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embark on your journey

Thinking about running?

Do you have a dream race but you don't how to start? 

Do you want to move more and see what that feels like?

Do you want to learn your limits and experience how far your body can go?


What brings you here?

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I can help you get there


Hi, I'm Bruna!

I have a full-time job in the tech space but sports is my passion. I've been a competitive athlete my entire life: originally as a tennis player and now as a runner and triathlete.  

Throughout the last 10 years, I have completed countless endurance events, including:

  • Boston Marathon 2019 & 2020

  • North Face Endurance Challenge 2019 (a 54km ultra-marathon with 2000m elevation climb)

  • Rio de Janeiro Challenge 2019 (half marathon on Saturday and full-marathon on Sunday)

  • 70.3 Ironman Sardinia 2021 (1.9K swim, 90km bike with 1400m elevation climb, followed by a half-marathon)


I have a personal best of 3:14:22 in the full-marathon, 1:29:09 in the half-marathon, and 18:57 in the 5km distance.

After retiring from my collegiate x-country "career", I started training myself and managed this alongside a demanding professional career. Along the way I've also helped many friends and loved ones get started with running. Jornada is my way to scale this and spread my passion outside of my circle.


Over the last 2 years, I have coached 40+ athletes to cross the finish line, covering total beginners to experienced athletes, with 5km to ultra-marathon goals.

How can I help you?

I can help guide you on your endurance journey, regardless of where you sit right now, towards whatever your future goals are.

I have experience coaching complete beginners as well as experienced runners, from 5km to ultra-marathons.

Sounds like something that interests you?

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Abot me

My Achievements


  • Richmond Park Half Marathon | 1h29 | 2nd out of 200 women

  • Zurich Marathon | 3h20 | 48th out of 600 women


  • Ibiza Half Marathon | 1h29 | 7th out of 200 women

  • Paris Marathon | 3h14 | 149th out of 16K women


  • 70.3 Ironman Sardinia | 6h03 | 10th in category

  • Amsterdam Half Marathon | 1h33 | 45th out of 3.5K women

  • Geneva Olympic Triathlon | 2h46 | 22nd in category


  • Boston Marathon | Virtual edition in Los Angeles | 3h21


  • Rio de Janeiro Challenge | Half + Full Marathon | 1h59 + 3h28 | 1st in category

  • Boston Marathon | 3h39

  • The North Face Endurance Challenge | 54km, 2000m elevation climb | 7h01


  • DC Marathon | 3h34 | 36th in category

  • San Francisco Marathon | 3h22 | 19th out of 1.7K women


  • San Francisco Marathon | 3h44


  • Rio de Janeiro Half Marathon | 1h44 | 1st in category

What is "Jornada"?

My Mission with Jornada

How Jornada

"Jornada" means journey in Portuguese. I chose this name because I believe endurance sports is, above everything, a journey you take your mind & body on. Once you embark on it, it will always be a part of you

My mission is to empower humans to live a life more connected to their bodies and mind, and, through endurance sports, discover all they are capable of!

  1. Get in touch

  2. We'll discuss your motivation, goals, schedule, and training availability

  3. You'll setup an account on TrainingPeaks, platform which I use to schedule your training plan and track your progress

  4. Training begins

  5. We'll talk on a weekly basis and schedule calls as needed

  6. You'll receive a personalised race plan prior to your race

  7. Race time, show time!

  8. Rest, reset, and I'll help you figure out what's next in your Jornada

Our training programs

Basic Training


Personalised endurance training preparing towards target race. Includes long-term season planning, weekly training plan, weekly coach contact, and general strength training guidance.

Pro Training


Everything in the basic package + personalised strength training delivered by our partner coaches at a 20% discount rate (regular strength training rate alone is €100).

Basic Training

€45/month per person

Training with someone else is more fun! Sign-up to train with someone else who wants to run the same race, and you'll both get coached for less. Includes everything from the Basic Training single

Pro Training

€125/month per person

Bring someone else into this journey! If two people sign-up together, and aim for the same target race, both get coached for less. Includes everything in the Pro Training single.

How it works
Training programs

Redefining Human Boundaries

That's our mission with Human Endurance


Tune in to hear fire-side chats with everyday endurance athletes who achieve incredible feats while juggling a regular life alongside their sport.


We dive into topics such as training strategies, passion for sport, nutrition, motivation, tech, data and much more!

  • Youtube
  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Amazon Music
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Personal Strength Training

We are happy to offer a partnership with TrueProgram, a team of professional strength coaches who can add value to your Jornada with 20% discount on their regular pricing (that's the Jornada Pro package).
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The TrueProgram team is experienced in building programs for endurance athletes, as well as for CrossFit and Olympic lifting. They also work remotely and send personalised training directly to you on a coaching App. You can learn more by checking their instagram page.

  • Truecoach Instagram

Featured Athletes


2024 Vienna Marathon

Andrea started training with Jornada in December 2023. In 4 months she ran her first marathon, smashing her time goal of 3h40!


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Contact Us

Get in touch

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  • Instagram

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